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A new year and it finally happened, a chargeback! A few posts ago I mentioned how I had not had one in many years, so I was expecting...

Discovered another reason why feedbacks goes away

I had a pretty rare situation today. A "eBay listings removed - unauthorized user of buyer or bidder account" notice on a $10 video game....

Sometimes bad feedbacks do go away!

It's nice when eBay takes away bad feedback. I sold some dolls three weeks ago and the buyer was one of "those" idiots. Those idiots...

The Record Show

Yep. Record show was exactly as expected. Same same same. I had spent about $15 or so? Fresh - Omniverse 📷 I saw tons and tons of stuff...


Yep, the final Spain (Canary Islands) item that the person bought from another account got a claim in today. I'm glad I nipped that in...

Ranting about a few scams!

Being a seller on ebay is not without it's risks. One of the worse things a seller can do is sell anything outside of the USA. That's...

Arbitrage Resellers

Today I got the final claim from that Spain buyer mentioned below. That's 8 in total and there should be one more from a second account...


Something sellers may not know is that it's cheaper to use FedEx for packages over 3 pounds. I found this out only fairly recently...

Sales Tax Must Be Charged...

I got a rare email today. hi im trying to by this item yet there is a sales tax on this purchase. im indonesian citizen. the item will...

Sometimes Being a Jerk Bites You Back!

Got another neg and of course this one is batty too. The guy bought a Pokemon game and said it didn't work...but he waited 5 weeks to neg...

Another Stupid Ebayer

📷 📷 📷 📷 📷 📷 📷 Am I wrong here? Nah. She done me a heinous act, one that offends a seller so greatly that you're more likely to get...

Spring Record Show 2017

Another record show, another disappointment. It's the same story over and over and I really should stop going. The decent dealers (which...


An update on that bad feedback leaver. Yeah, he's insane. 📷 📷 📷 📷 Seriously, how can someone leave this much bad feedback and not get...

What a Week

I usually don't write about my week, but it was an eventful one. I didn't really get a chance to work but that's ok as I made about $5000...

A Bad Feedback

WOW I just noticed this one. Bad feedbacks happen to everyone and I welcome them when they are legit. These days eBay really struggles...

Too Shady

Another annoying customer. I'm selling some bed sheets and this guy wants me to call him. 📷 See prior comment about how I feel about...

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