Just had to vent about a message that an interested buyer sent to me. Here it is:

Oh boy...let me count the ways this cheesed me off...
"Ok...to be brief." Right off the bat it's insulting. It's skipping any pleasantries. No "hello" or anything of that sort. Very RUDE!
"BLAH BLAH BLAH." What are you going on about? Balding is a very subjective question. Subjective questions are often asked by people who are extremely hard assed and impossible to please! I need to see examples of what is unacceptable to you to have any context of what you are asking. Honestly, whenever sellers see someone going off like this, it sets off huge red flags to stay far away from the person and to block their ass. They almost always find some flaw with the item and will cause you headaches. Basically you want the buyer who is not going to ask picky questions as they are typically far easier to please.
"also." The "ALSO" here sets me off as it's very accusing like I'm causing an issue for her. It's a very rude tone.
"no best offer I usually pay $22/23 total for either...if you want an offer I'll offer $12 plus shipping". Like fuck you! I have it competitive priced at $25, which I always do for everything I list. I probably had sent a blind offer to you of 5% off as I typically do that to everyone that eBay says that has looked at my items, BUT YOU ABSOLUTELY WON'T FIND THIS ANYWHERE FOR $12 plus shipping you jackoff! This is absolutely fucking why sellers don't do best offers as you get people who somehow in the depths of their ignorance think more than 50% off is an absolutely fair offer. Well it's what I personally pay. Fuck right, not that the current market says they sell for $20-$25 PLUS shipping all day long. Just the other day I saw another seller say something about no lowball offers in their listings. It happens to everyone, which is basically why I don't do best offers as they are generally "worse offers" at best. Sadly it's too much of a hassle to set them up to auto-reject and auto-rejecting tends to get people VERY ticked off (because it always rejects their lowball offers) and they'll send me nasty insulting letters about it, which I don't want to hear. I hate best offers so much. It's why I use a percentage off method and increase it as time goes by. I'm a business, not a charity! I probably paid for the items the SAME exact price you are wanting to pay, so no fucking way am I going to sell it to you for those prices.
"lmk." Probably knick-picking a little too much, but you should NEVER EVER use abbreviations while writing someone in a business transaction type insult. Yet honestly it seems no one really knows that rule of etiquette anymore. Formal writing to businesses seems to be a lost art. It comes off as rude to me but I try to understand that eBay is a happy place to buy collectables, so tolerance for stuff like this is necessary. It's just something I would NEVER EVER do when reaching out to a seller myself though. I was taught to write properly and I still use it to this day.
"or I'll move on...have 3 on my list waiting for reply." Well fucking excuse me for being such a bother to you bitch! This is hair ripping out-en-ly insane for me. Like what's the time frame involved here? A day? A week? 10 minutes? I've had a few buyers with no sense of time nor respected business hours. They somehow expected instant responses. Leaving that aside, am I to be impressed that you have three other people you plan to insult (or already have insulted) over this? You're basically telling me here that I'm to fuck myself off I don't want to play ball with you because I have three others out there. UGH!
Honestly at the moment of writing this, I had a VERY tiring couple days so I'm a little more responsive and touchy, even though what I've said is exactly how I feel no matter how I actually am at the moment.
Yesterday it seemed all the churches decided to have their rummage sales. 4 in one day which is very unique. It was very wearing on my body to do them all, as it seems that I'm getting older and my body cannot do what it could just a few years prior! Add to that that recently I find it hard to sleep waiting for these sales to open. I've basically been living a very dull repetitive life and stuff like this is sets my anxiety off so easily when I know it shouldn't. Basically like the night before a child going to a theme park type deal.
So I have a lack of sleep, getting up at 6AM after an hour or so sleep to get at the first sale at 7:45AM because there is this one rival bitch who got there horribly early last fall and was snatching up the very toys I wanted (MLP toys which the fucker just tossed anywhere back as rejects later on). Well fuck you bitch, I got there like 5 minutes before you this time around. I'll probably need to get there an hour and a half in the fall, as she snatched something I was reaching for (a mini plush of someone (Bam-Bam I think), that was basically worthless but whatever) as she obviously saw me snatching a box and arm dumping loads of good stuff off of the table before her, and she remembers me from last fall snatching stuff faster than she. I personally didn't punch the bitch for literally puling the plush out of my hand it just wasn't worth it and I prefer not to get arrested over it but I swear it'll be hard to resist if she tries this crap next time on me. This isn't the first time I had people be pissy at me at this sale for snatching stuff fast either! But that's what you need to do at rummage sales. You snooze you loose, you need to be fast and grabby!!! A lot of casuals think they can just waltz in and poke around and take their time. It's one of the reasons why I try to be first in line, as if you don't you'll be behind 100 year old women that cannot move fast clogging up the line and every second counts at the first 5 mins of a sale.
So anyway at that sale I rushed though and got my stuff and left in 10 minutes. I usually spend about 45 mins there, but I had to get to the next sale which opens at 10AM. They had opened up early the year prior, so I had no idea if they would do so again. I got there in about 10 mins and I was about 3rd in line. Waited outside for about 35 mins, which isn't bad at all. Opened about 5 mins early, which was WAY better than the last year's hour and a half or whenever they did open up (still uncertain about that). And I spent about 30 mins inside, most of it was in this huge ass line to get out. I think that is what wore out my body. All the standing around, about 4 hours plus worth. I'm not used to that. I tend to take sits every hour whenever I stand around at the thrift store.
So after that sale, I was pretty exhausted. I went back to the first sale to double check and I got a couple things, but I somehow forgot a strange Rubic's Cube type thing that I wanted (but not too badly). A little miffy about that, but oh well. I then went to the third sale knowing it was really too late to go for anything good and that sale has been sucking hard for a few years now. Found a few items but nothing amazing, but I already was loopy and too exhausted by that point.
I went home and it was around noonish. I rested up and waited for the fourth sale to start at 4PM. About 25 mins to get there, 35 more mins of standing around and I think 45 more mins shopping. Got some good stuff, but my body was feeling it! I had a 2-3 hour nap, which I oddly seem to need every day now, as I cannot get past 4 hours sleep at night lately).
Got up this morning...another restless night as I was too excited for the upcoming sales. Woke up a little before 7 and took about 25 mins to get there, arrive a little before 8 or so. Fuck it all, people were already mostly opened up and I should have been there at 7AM! But dammit, I done that last year and no one was opened yet. GRRRR!!!!! People like myself were hovering like flies all over and I was lucky to get anything honestly! UGH! Never peaceful at the Beeches Rome sales. Basically the same as every year but this time I left my van at the entrance and walked around the dangerous circle. This was the circle where I backed into another car as I was so flustered and I didn't want a repeat of two years ago. I was extra careful leaving the place as I feel I'll probably run someone down there, it's that congested and bad! So I walked even though I was like 45% wonky and probably shouldn't be walking at all.
At the moment I'm feeling it. I have a huge thing tomorrow in Solvay which I had mentioned in my prior post. A guy with amazing sealed CDs cheap is having his garage sale but my body is telling me that I probably cannot do it. I really should force myself as I already made my money back and then some on just 6 of the CDs that I sold this past week from there. BUT even though I'll probably be sitting on the ground and looking at the CDs, it'll be hours of checking up countless CDs (and maybe DVDs)...and that's after an hour or so drive to get there. I'm still unsure if I'm mentally up for that. I need to get up at 7ish and get there at 9ish and hope they don't open early. It's probably worth it, WAY more worth it than the stuff I got these last two days, but the distance and time I need to fart around is such a downer. I think minus the distance to travel, I would do it no problem. Basically I don't travel for sales if they are about over 30 mins away as I can do better at the Thrifty Shopper, but this has the chance of being a 4K or more pickup, which is way better than any day at TS (other than that day I got those saled Pokemon packs which I got something like 6K for, or the day I got loads of rare Grateful Dead CDs which I think I got about 3K or so for.)
Long story short, I done a lot and my body is on a tough recharge at the moment. Not entirely sure how it'll go for me tomorrow. Either way, at the moment I'm not up for someone insulting me like this person had done. So I said:
"Honestly with all that drama and then to give an insulting price on top of that, it only serves to make a seller to block you."
And nothing more. I blocked the person as I don't want to play ball with someone like that. I'm tired of kissing up to rude as fuck people. People won't like me if I'm kind or mean, so why bother put myself out and suffer kissing up to please them? Lately I feel that I should do whatever I want however I feel at that moment. I'm generally a good person and I'm not afraid of being terrible to others, so there is that. I just don't have and will never have the ability to be engaging, engrossing and enjoyable to be around and to have conversations with. I'm growing to accept and be fine with that. I'm way past that point in my life where I should actually live for myself rather than constantly (over) pleasing others and I'm only seeing this lately. People are simply not like this, and in my case it doesn't really benefit me (unless you believe in karma), so why even bother trying anymore.
So will I hear back from them? I don't care either way. I'll just delete their response if they do as I don't want to hear more of this bullshit. Peace out!