Hey! It's that time once again.
The show was more of the same, but this time one of the sellers was liquidating his inventory and had his CDs at $1 and lower priced records at 3/$10. I spent $90 on records, which I'll probably never play but I wanted for collecting sake as they were ones I'm into. The CDs I bought 63 and got them for $60. Basically with those I took anything that looked interesting. I know I'll have duds but there was enough good ones to make up for it. The CDs were mostly unknown stuff that no one would really want except for people who's REALLY into music that isn't mainstream.
Aside from plopping $150 at this guy's booth, I bought 7/$5 at my Albany friend booth. Mostly remix UK cds. I know some were junk, but I feel obligated to buy something from him and most of his stuff I swore I saw in November or whenver the last show was.
I then got 3 $1 records and 6 $3 CDs from the Solvay guy. I was rather shocked as some of those CDs were rather good for reselling and some were obscure stuff I wanted for my collection.
After that I just wandered around and around looking randomly but finding nothing. Stuff was rather high priced, but that's always the case. I'm a budget guy anyway and not so much a collector. Well, if they had CDs of stuff I really wanted (which tends to be way too obscure for this show) I would gladly buy them at collector's prices but not so much with vinyl.
The only other thing to note is that I had one of those reusable bags that the state wants everyone to use and the thing ripped in the parking lot with about 20 pounds of weight in it. I swear those bags are no better than the plastic ones we were tossing out, but whatever. Onto the album reviews!
OK.... this time I have maybe 100 or so albums to review? That's too many! So I'll not comment much on the trash I bought when I decided to not keep. I'll comment properly on the ones I liked mostly based on my listening to the first track. I'll have to listen to the rest properly later. I'm just grabbing them randomly out of a box and testing them as I'm writing this. And all the CDs were $1 each.

Inevitable Alien Nation - Album by DJ Keoki ~ dances and grooves I had this one playing while typing everything above. I think I'll put this in my van as it's great electronic dance club music. Supposed to be various artists but it's all mixed into one and sounds like one love rave. Loving it lots!

Yanni - Keys to Imagination ~ I'm happy to find this one. LOL! Yeah, I know Yanni sucks, but his early stuff doesn't! I found his first CD a few months ago at the thrift store and loved it! Looked up his other stuff and his second one, this one, is good too! He sorta drifts off into lousy mainstream New Age after this one though. I may or may not get and try his other stuff, I'm mostly put off by how lousy those CDs look of his ugly ass on the cover of each one. LOL!
UGH! I bought an experimental noise one. Junk bin that goes. Basically sounds like some people smashing around on their instruments. Not worth talking about any further other than to say it has some value on ebay, so that's where it's going.
Yuck, an 80s low key jazz one . I mean it's OK, but nothing I want to listen to.
Ick, "World Pop". All the tracks sounds like Irish music but the dull pretentious stuff. I would like it if it rocked like Jethro Tull.

Enigma - The Cross of Changes ~ I've been meaning to listen to Enigma for a while. I've always thought they were crappy New Age and I've never bothered to listen to them. I forgot what is their big hit off of this, I think "Return to Innocence." Seems like Celtic New Age trying to be Techno Pop. I'll have to listen to this one better later, but it's sorta cringy shit with a guy yodeling or whatever which I thought was so stupid back then when it was new and apparently I still do today.

Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers - One Bright Day ~ I know people hate Raggae but I really like it! I think this one is a little processed though as it sounds a bit too commercial and late 80s dated for Raggae. I like the more annoying stuff that comes a few years prior to this one with more synths and annoying guys rapping some non-sense to the music. It's OK for a buck though!

Fluffy - Black Eye ~ Female rock, Wiki says punk but it sounds more on the heavy side almost metal. grooves It's typical 80s stuff but it's 1996. Nice! I think I'll enjoy this one a lot and I'll put it in the van for traveling music.
Meh, a CD that I bought because it said electric violin on the back and some Japanese people. But it's a little too New Age and sorta dull. It wants to rock out but just doesn't.

Los Amigos Invisibles - Arepa 3000 ~ I bought this because it seemed odd and maybe something I'd like. Turns out it's "Acid Funk." It's rather strange, 60s lounge music that's sorta rappy. I need to listen to this better as it's not bad but I dunno if it's "good". LOL Seems OK and I'd probably grow to like it.
I bought a few Spyro Grya CDs. I shouldn't have but I was rushing and not thinking properly. They are OK sometimes but not good enough to have a collection. I sold an almost complete collection of them a year or two ago. Seems I got the 90s stuff which is too commercial and loungy for me. Meh!

Various – California Dreaming (The Ultimate Cyberhippy Experience) ~ "Cyberhippy" made me buy this as I have no clue what that means but it sounds interesting. I'll have to give it a proper listening to later as it seems to be several different types of techno on the CD.

UB40 - Geffery Morgan ~ grooves The first song has the Batman TV show swirl music in the song. LOL! That instantly makes the CD a keeper! Honestly, I've never seen this album before. It's rather hard to find any UB40 that isn't "Red Red Wine" as I think that's their only hit here in the USA. It's Raggae but so dancy that it's sorta hard to call them pure Raggae in my opinion. I like it as it sometimes sounds like Madness.
Bought another lounge jazz cd. Oops! I meant to put that one back but whatever. I'll toss it into a lot of CDs and probably donate it as it's so hard to sell CDs on ebay unless it's stuff people actually want.
Ick, got an Alternative rock CD. Not my bag.
Oops, one with no CD in it at all. Turns out it's a REALLY obscure CD, probably a manufactured on demand (MOD) one by some band that never made it anywhere. No big loss as it probably sucked. No tracks of their stuff online either.

Stereolab - Instant 0 in the Universe ~ WHOA! I got a Stereolab CD! I didn't know it was one until I popped it into the PC! It's not obviously marked as one and I can see how people missed out on this!! NIIIICE!!!!! grooves I do like Stereolab but their stuff is SOOOOOO hard to get so I have almost none of their stuff on disc or vinyl! You just never find it in the wild and at CD shows it's always crazy high priced. Anyway, it's a nice one. Very chill! It's obvious a lot of what I got was from the same person who had interest in this sort of stuff. It'll make up for the couple dozen I'll probably have to donate.
Another "World Pop" but this time Spanish. Similar to the trippy chill sorta techno stuff I'm finding, but this one is annoying me for some reason. I don't like this.
Holy nasty. Found one that sounds like The Ventures but I guess a heavier garage rock sound but it's just awful as it also uses the same canned like sounding 60s recording techniques too. Not for me. Seems it has a little value, so I'll try selling it.

The Faint - Danse Macabre ~ Sometimes you can tell a book (CD) by it's cover! I thought some type of 80s like music and it was. 2000 New Wave. It's interesting and I need to give it a proper listening to. I may like it! Very interested in this one!

Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers - Conscious Party ~ grooves Liking the first song. I'm sure I'll like this too. It's the album prior to One Bright Day.
Ick, another "World Pop" Spanish one. The person who owned these CDs really liked the chill sound who's name I don't really know yet (I see downtempo listed, so maybe it's that?). They had a lot of Spanish and Black ones which I passed over as I didn't want to get a few dozen of them as I probably wouldn't have liked them. Oh dear, one of the songs is Spanish Raggae. No, just no. Well, it's now actually Stereolab-ing vintage Spanish stuff, but I don't really like merengue or whatever Spanish music, so it's a miss.
Oops, I bought a CD thinking it was someone else. Ended up being grunge or whatever. Meh!

The Mystechs - Warriors & Warlocks ~ OMGF!! LOL This is so intentionally lame that it's EPIC! WOW! Now I don't feel so bad for spending so much money on basically crap records that on one would ever want as I've found a hidden gem that is worth it all. https://opus.ing/reviews/warriors-warlocks-mystechs-2005-omega-point-records Here is a review on it. Wow! Just WOW! Probably #1 find of the batch! I can see myself playing this one way too much!!!
Oops, got a country CD. No, just no.
Crap, bought a Little Feat CD and it's one of their shitty albums. The 1988 album which is so commercial and not much like the 70s stuff which I have some respect for. It's what I get for rushing and not looking at the dates.

Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes – Havin' A Party With Southside Johnny ~ Bought this without a clue what sort of music he does, only knew it was 70s. First song sounds like an Elvis Costello song. I think I'll like this one. Need to hear more from him as his voice is almost a clone of Mr Costello.

Bayete And Jabu Khanyile – Mmalo-We ~ Another strange one....dancy African music, sorta Raggae. Early 90s sounding. Interesting though. I'm sure I'll like it.

Floppy Sounds – Downtime ~ Strange one. House (techno offshoot). It's interesting at parts. Need to give it a proper listening to.
EEW! I bought a CD that said Metal on the sticker and for some reason I thought Hair metal rather than shitty metal. Trash!

Fluke – Progressive History X ~ I bought this before probably 10 or so years ago, but I think it got water damaged and ruined. I could be wrong but whatever for a dollar who cares? It's interesting Euro House (dancy). I've been meaning to give it a proper listening to, but I'm enjoying what I'm hearing ATM.

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - S/T ~ grooves The cover looked shitty, so I didn't know what to expect. Rock music, sorta country rock at times. Sounds good! I like it so far! The first song is really good!
Got another "downtempo" CD. Not for me.

The Chieftains – An Irish Evening ~ I got this because it said Roger Daltrey (of the Who of course!) Meh... The Chieftains are iffy as sometimes they are OK, other times so boring like most Celtic music. I just wanted to see how they would use Roger in this. OH! Grooves No body knows what it's like to be a bad man.... DOO DOOO DOOO! Sounds a little Jethro Tull with him singing! I may or may not play the rest of this. I don't like Nanci Griffith much and she's on a zillion tracks.
Got a more traditional Spanish CD with merengue and whatever else that stuff is called. It's OK but not for me.

Michelle Shocked – Short Sharp Shocked ~ I probably would have put this back if I wasn't in a rush because I had one of her CDs and it sucked hard. It's her second album, first main label one. The first song was good, the rest are too country and pissing me off. Need to listen to it better maybe. But then again I see it's a $20 rare CD, so I'll sell it. I knew something was up with it, as I've never seen it before and I've seen tons of CDs.
A modern punk-ish CD. Too loud and busy for me. I'll give it to a friend.

Me'Shell NdegéOcello – Plantation Lullabies ~ grooves First & second song is pretty good for what it is (Neo-Soul). Need to give it a better listen to later. Funky dance stuff. I have heard of this artist and I know she's important for some reason, but I never paid attention as to why. I'm guessing it's probably because her stuff is progressive sounding and influential to future music.
Another punk cd, has some value, will flip it. Not at all something I like.
Spanish blues rock and roll. Sticker on it said Heavy Metal. Not! Well, maybe if you still consider Deep Purple as Heavy Metal.
A Brazil Classics cd. Bought because it said compiled by David Byrne of Talking Heads. But then again, I don't like David Byrne, so why would I want old Brazilian songs he compiled for a CD? But I can see how some of it affected his music some. With this music, it could be from the 60s to 10s or by the same exact person, it all sounds alike and no way to tell any of it apart. Much like Polka music.

Kali – Francofaune ~ Grabbed this because it said Francofaune and I knew it was French and I was curious as I've been studying French for a few yeas now. Turns out it's RAGGAE-French. LOL It's actually GOOD Raggae. A keeper! I got lucky as the cover could have been anything and normally I would reject covers like that.

Opus III – Guru Mother ~ I love Opus III....but do I have this album? It's been about 30 or so years that I've wanted this one and I've never seen it in person....I think? I'm pretty sure I never bought a copy of it as I don't remember the songs on this one at all. Basically very good Techno-ish pop music, something I've played hundreds of time, alone with U96 - Das Boot and the like. "It's a Fine Day" was a huge hit of theirs but that album failed hard and I could find that CD in any dollar bin back in the 90s as a liquidated cut out. I think this album flopped for having no hits and I think grunge music hit hard and this sort of music was uncool. And they didn't print up many of this CD and the band disappeared soon after.
Crap. Another Case with no CD. Ruth Ruth - Laughing Gallery. Turns out that it is ok because the music sucks. I was just curious about the band as I've seen their CDs and didn't know what they were. I guess I can always reuse the case for a broken one elsewhere! LOL

Joe Satriani – Time Machine ~ Joe for $1? I'll do that any day! The first track was sorta whimpy, going to try the rest another time. I know he can rock harder than that. But yeah, guitar rock god. All should have his CDs.

The Taliesin Orchestra – Anthem ~ Cover looks like shit. Looked on the back and it's a covers CD! OH SNAP, hell yeah I'll buy this!!! I love covers! Mine is a special edition 2 disc version and I'm listening to Orinoco Flow off of the bonus disc. Sounds WAY better with a bold orchestra playing it. A good buy, although I knew it would be a banger with Another Brick in the Wall, Bohemian Rhapsody, Layla, Hey Jude and others on it. Bohemian Rhapsody sounds like Venessa Mae doing it rather than an orchestra. Another Brick in the Wall sounds like an Alan Parson's Project mix of it. I need to properly listen to this later, but it's a good pick up!

Mojave: Electronic Compilation ~ KICKS ASS! grooves Techno dance! The first song kicks heavy ass! Loving it! Basically I love the techno that has the Italo Disco beat, but more spacy with the boops and beeps and constantly changing sound effects. Basically really good club music! Like Opus III above but WAY faster!

Mythos – Eternity ~ Also a kicker! It's basically more of the same electronic music. Sounds like Enya but WAY WAY better. Faster, more changes, not at all boring but still rather flowerly. Love it! I guess it "could" be New Age, but it kicks ass too much for me to call it that. It's sorta like Mike Oldfield 80s stuff without voices and more disco beat. Another banger!
Meh, time to cool down to some normal jazz and some with rap mixed in. Not really for me. Although it's not BAD it's just not what I like.

The Wizard of Oz Soundtrack ~ Very... VERY infectious. LOL! Some of the songs mind rots my brain and keeps playing and playing over and over. I love the music! The image shows the old LP, but I have the CD version which is the same photo image with new stuff around it for the CD. I saw some of the tracks are extended versions. I wish it was of the songs that I REALLY love, like the the Munchkins songs or Ding Dong song. LOL Oh well. But yeah, I happy to get this. Oddly I've never seen it before. Weird!

Paul Simon – Songs From The Capeman ~ I like Simon and Garfunkel. I like their solo stuff! I really shouldn't but whatever! Judging by the first song, it's going to be a concept album? OK by me.

Stevie Wonder – (Music From The Movie) Jungle Fever ~ grooves 1991, but sounds rather dated for that year. I've never seen this LP before but it sold at least half a million copies. Sounds good though! Some New Jack on there too (which I like), which I didn't know Stevie done.

Ramsey Lewis – Between The Keys ~ I like Ramsey Lewis, but he's another one that could have meh albums or kickers. This seemed "OK" by the first time. Need to play it properly later.
Got another Metal CD, this time a real one. Didn't like it.

Tabla Beat Science – Tala Matrix ~ Another Downtempo but this time tribal as well. It's by Bill Laswell and others. Anything Bill is worth getting as it's almost certainly going to be strange but good. It's sorta trippy hindu music. Similar to all the other stuff but I do dig hindu instruments and tribal drums.

EKO – Future Primitive ~ It's a Higher Octave release. They seem to put out a lot of New Age more like Electronic music that I like. They also put out Cusco too. Surprisingly good!

Buckwheat's Zydeco Party ~ I discovered Zydeco music a year or two ago via some donated records at the thrift store. It's sorta dorky like the Blues Brothers music but I like it! This CD is good too! I'm a fan!
Oops! I bought a Pat Metheny Group CD. Dammit, I was thinking "David Matthews" yet again. They basically do the same stuff, but David has a few good early albums while Pat doesn't have anything worth owning (unless you actually like his sort of stuff for some reason).
Oh dear! I got some white guy's home made CD where he raps over some music. It's so cringe and lame. Trash that goes!
And that's it for the $1 CD albums. I'll review the stuff I got from the other booths.

Deborah Harry – Necessary Evil ~ FUCK! I got this one and it doesn't want to play. Mine is a demo version. I was really looking forward to it too as I've never seen or knew about this one and I love Blondie. sigh Paid $3 for it. Listening to it on Youtube and wow, it's terrible. She's off key and sounding every bit of the almost 80 that she now, which is sad as this album is 15 or so years old. The music is terrible, the songs awful, the dubbing bad and the "sexy" lyrics coming out of her is enough to make one cringe if not retch. You are a great granny Debbie, you cannot pull off these songs. Fuck. I should have stuck with her Def, Dumb & Blonde (1989), which is cringe too, but in a good way!

Blondie – Rapture In Toronto - Canada Broadcast 1982 ~ Sealed new for $3. It has to be better than the prior one.

Smile – Gettin' Smile ~ I have never heard of this before, but it says Queen on it. Has Brian May and Roger Taylor. I'll probably sell it as it's not very good. Sealed new for $3 is a steal, but I think it's a bootleg?

Jennifer Warnes – Famous Blue Raincoat (The Songs Of Leonard Cohen) ~ Paid $3 for this, mainly because I saw a cover of one of my fav songs that I never knew was covered. "First We Take Manhattan". It's sorta terrible though. Made it a country pop cover song and it doesn't really work. I'm not really into her, so I probably won't ever play the rest. Oddly I found a ebay seller's slip inside. Cool!
Now onto the 7/$5 CDs

Madonna Fever Maxi Single CD European Import ~ A cover of a famous song. It's ok. Oddly I don't remember ever hearing it. Some mixes are better than others. Album version wasn't that good, which is probably why I cannot recall it.

Kylie – Your Disco Needs You Auzzie Import ~ WOW, this sounds so strange. Trying to sound 70s retro but they didn't really nail it. It's OK, but so many artists done WAY better retro disco songs after this. German Mix is better than the Album. I don't see any of the usual "good" names that would have made the song actually good.
Got "Sinead O'Connor - Famine / All Apologies" but no way in hell I'll like that, it was for reselling as she's dead and it's a sorta harder to find import.
Got "robyn - show me love"...I had to pick something to get 7/$5. But it's a crappy song.
Got "Del Amitri - Don't Come Home Too Soon CD"...mistake, the cover looked techno. Song sucked.

Hardfloor – TB Resuscitation ~ More techno! Need to properly listen to it. Maybe too trance for my tastes. I probably will try to sell it.

Aqua – My Oh My remixes ~ I don't know this one. I'm guessing it's probably the 4th single or something and not as good as the songs I know from them. And looking on Wiki proves I'm correct. It's ok just not a banger. The 70s version mix is actually the best on this!
And that's it for the CDs! WOW! Time for the vinyl! Basially 3/$10 and I got $90 worth. All I need to give a proper listening to later. Most I vaguely know as stuff I should get. Several I tested online before buying.

The Parachute Club S/T & At The Feet Of The Moon - Super hard to get New Wave stuff. A little world music too. Female lead, pretty good. Canadian, only charted in Canada. Not sure why they are not more popular elsewhere.

Hounds – Unleashed ~ Rock. A bit like Kiss and the like. Some of the tracks sounded rather good on Youtube. Cute girl not in the band.

Deaf School – English Boys/Working Girls ~ Art Rock New Wave. Girl also not in band. Umm...they are singing about Golden Showers on track two....I so need to check this out one better.

1927 – ...Ish ~ I discovered this one a little while ago on Youtube. Like it! Have the MP3. More 80s pop rock.

Planet P Project - Pink World (12” Version) (Pink Color Promo) (LP, 1984 L33-1227) - I just had to buy this as it was a pink vinyl. PPP is good, proggy at times. Never seen this before. Too cool! Tony Carey does a lot of stuff I like.

Three Hits – Fire In The House ~ Female lead, jingle jangly pop with a country twang. Could be mistaken for Bangles and the like. I'll probably love it. Only one song on Youtube.

Starcastle – Real To Reel - Prog rock, like City Boy. I like them, but most prog fans HATE Star Castle. Seems this is their 4th and last (until much later) album. I've never seen it before, probably a contractual LP. I think this completes my 4 LPs from them (not counting the new stuff).

Wild Blue – No More Jinx ~ More 80s goodness with a female lead. It's what I'm collecting! Power popish, can be synthish. Fire with Fire is their well known hit. I love it. Only one LP from them ever.

The Dudek Finnigan Krueger Band – Special Tour Sampler ~ I need to look this one up better. I know Les Dudek. Unsure about the rest. Sounded good on sample.

Zerra One – The Domino Effect ~ Sounded like mid 80s Bowie. Sounds pretty good. Neither person on front is in the band.

TKO – Let It Roll ~ Sounds a little like a hair band. "Hard Rock" Interesting!

Limited Warranty – Limited Warranty ~ Sounding a little Duran Duran. Very powerful.

The Boomtown Rats – In The Long Grass ~ I think I have this already but damaged. It's a replacement copy.

Gregg Diamond – Gregg Diamond's Star Cruiser ~ Marin Label, which I like as their disco tends to be more interesting and less bassy. This one is autographed, not that it matters much as it's a little too obscure for anyone to care. I believe I have his Bionic Boogie LP too.

April Wine – Power Play ~ Unsure if I like them. They seem ok. Never got around to playing them.

The Adventures - Another Silent Day Extended Remix 12" Vinyl PICTURE DISC 1984 ~ A cheap picture disc. I cannot recall if I like them or not.

Outlaws – Soldiers Of Fortune ~ Nice stuff! Outlaws can range greatly in what sort of music it'll be, but when they rock, they rock well! This is their last album not counting stuff that comes way later. Attempting to get all the ones prior to this.

Crack The Sky – Safety In Numbers ~ Prog Rock. Cannot recall if I have this. Probably do but it was cheap enough. And it's sorta hard to find any CTS.

Wishbone Ash – There's The Rub ~ Also Prog Rock. I also cannot recall if I have this. It's sorta hard to find any WA too other than Argus.

The Sherbs – Defying Gravity ~ Art Pop Prog. Seen them called prog because they have a few moments of proggy but it's not really enough to qualify them. I need to try all their stuff out. I have never seen this one in the wild before. Very underrated.

Modern English – Ricochet Days ~ I've wanted this FOREVER! Modern English is somewhat rare to get. Their hits is on the one prior to this, but I'm assuming that they are still good enough here.

Jo Jo Gunne – "So...Where's The Show?" ~ Mentioned before that I like Jo Jo Gunne and Joe Ferguson. Not 100% sure if I needed this one. I need to catalog these as I think I may have most now.

Liquid Gold – Liquid Gold ~ Strange but good disco. I forgot why I know of and had wanted this. I think it's related to another artist I collect. Or I saw it on the Cherry Red Website as it's getting a CD release.

Landscape & Manhattan Boogie-Woogie ~ I had this on CD but sold it as it was VERY rare and expensive. I'm OK with a vinyl version. It's ok synthpop.

Sailor – Sailor ~ Tried one song and it's cheesy good. Says Glam Rock, but seems too lame for that. Reminds me of Hello People and the like. Mid 70s rock where it was happy, bouncy and cheesy. Seems that the album after this has their popular songs.

Pete Carr – Multiple Flash ~ I know I've heard of this guy, but forgot where. This one is probably more Jazz Fusion than anything else.
PHEW! That's a lot! Three more to go, $1 LPs now.

Vangelis – China = 中國 ~ I have a lot of Vangelis but I don't remember owning this one. For $1 I wasn't worried.

Judie Tzuke – Welcome To The Cruise & Sports Car ~ I've never heard of her, but she released a ton of stuff. Sports Car has a really rocking tune. I think she's probably like Kate Bush but with far better music.
Phew, that was a lot of work! Took about 6-7 hours to do? It's ok I enjoy discovering new music. Looks like 45% good CDs. Maybe 10% I can flip to offset a little of the large amount I had spent. If I get anything interesting this summer I'll update! If not, then see you in the Fall!